Monday, September 14, 2009

CD To Enhance Story Time

I’ve been thinking about including a CD of my book, “Zooprise Party / Fiesta Zoorpresa” to go along with a bundle I’m creating of our book and activity book. I’d read the story in both English and Spanish and using a sticky back CD sleeve, stick it in the back of the book.

It got me thinking, why couldn’t any parent out there create CDs of their children’s favorite story. Here’s a senario I’m sure we are all too familiar with:

Okay, you’ve read your child’s favorite book 10 times in a row every night for the past week. She’s memorized it to the point that she corrects you when you say the story a little bit different. You dream the story every night. What can you do?

Create your own CD. What? Yes, create a CD with your voice reading your child’s favorite story to them. This way they can listen to it even when you’re not around.

Okay, how? Most computers these days have all you need to create a personalized recording. Search through all that software that comes loaded on your computer, it’s bound to be there somewhere. On mine it’s under the Accessories and called, simple enough, “Sound Recorder.” All I have to do is start talking. Be sure when you save the file you know where it is on your computer! I’ve lost a few that way.

Now, put in a blank CD and again search for whatever software your computer has that will burn your recording onto a CD. Click a few keys and you’re done.

Now your child can listen to their favorite story with your voice whenever they want.

So, what do you think? Also, if a book already came with a CD, would that factor into your decision on whether you bought it or not? I’d love some feedback on this question.Thanks for stopping by, and I’ll see you back here Wednesday.

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