This is a cute rhyming story. The illustrations are adorable. You can’t help but fall in love with this spider.
Bill took his book beyond reading with interesting factoids on each page. For example, did you know there

Bill didn’t stop there. He continued with a reference list with links, a glossary of spider terminology, a couple of word puzzles, even a song! Oh, and the answers to all the extra stuff at the back of the book.
This fun educating book is available from:
Guardian Angel Publishing
Buy it here today from Amazon.
If you’re interested in an interview with Bill and Ari, the spider in the story, pop over to the ZooprisePartyFiestaZoorpresa blog.
I'll be back Wednesday with some great teacher resources anyone can use to take books beyond reading.
That's cute - the spider in the sink. If I see a spider that doesn't look threatening, if possible I'll trap it in a glass or jar and let it outside. I do that with other insects as well.
Morgan Mandel
The book is really adorable. A great read even for adults.
You are a kind lady. We actually have spiders living on the deck of the boat. We don't mind them because they help some with the mosquito population.
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